Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Patience, Perseverance, and Persistence

Today required quite a lot of patience, perseverance, and persistence and not because my daughter was being particularly "bad" or cranky, but because I picked up her first pair of glasses. I knew that trying to keep glasses on a curious 9 month old baby would be hard, but it sure tested my patience.

I was first frustrated because the glasses I got her were too big. It was hard to tell when I was picking them out that there was even a difference in the baby glasses. I really just thought that I was picking the color. Then the man who helped me didn't say anything about them and just measured her face, so I assumed they would work. I had tried them on her, but between her lack of a nap (or really her total exhaustion) and her  curiosity pulling at them it was hard to really see them on her.

The lady who helped me today goes, "we do have smaller glass if those fall down all the time. I guess I wasn't the one who helped you pick them." I was immediately frustrated because she clearly knew these really didn't fit her. I specifically went to a children's eye care store so that I would get glasses that are a perfect fit. Why hadn't the first guy who helped me mentioned this? It's not like they are cheap to replace.

So I put the glasses on and leave. She actually did not pull on them as much as I had first thought she would. However, they fell down her nose and she looked like a librarian looking at me over the top of her glasses and they pulled her ears down perpendicular to her head. By the time we got home of course she had pulled them down and decided to try and eat them. I put them back on and dutifully followed her all day replacing them. After a couple hours she was getting sick of me constantly pulling them up after she pulled them off. She would even cry when I put them back on. Sigh.

Overall she did very well. She pulled at them less than I expected, yet it was more frustrating than I expected. We made it through the first day and I'm proud of us. A few tears, but it was overall happiness. Then we gave her a bath and I decided to look through the glasses just to see how bad her vision is... oh my goodness my daughter is so blind! I realize that it is probably different because she is so young and it's in an effort to fix her cross-eyes while she is young, but I was not expecting it to be such a strong prescription! I am so glad we noticed her eye issues so young so that she did not go years with bad eyes and us not even knowing it.

Now the day is over, I'm not chasing her around pulling those darned things back up. I'm sitting in my bed relaxing and contemplating sleep at the early hour of 8:50. And tomorrow, I can do it all over again. Ah, the joys of motherhood.

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