Monday, August 8, 2011

Darn Diaper Rash!

My daughter is currently teething and, despite the fact she has already cut 6 teeth easily, this time around is not so painless. She has gotten a terrible diaper rash. It makes me so sad every time I change her diaper and she is so red. I finally decided to give her an oatmeal bath.

Giving her an oatmeal bath sounds easy and like a good decision, but that is where all my problems started. First I didn't have any store bought, which is fine because I'd rather make my own. So then we had to go downstairs and making an oatmeal bath.

Making an oatmeal bath is incredibly easy. All you need is some unflavored oatmeal and a food processor. Throw in a few handfuls of oatmeal and grind until it is a fine powder. It is ground fine enough when it easily dissolves. I use about 1/3 cup for my daughters baths. Pour it in under running water and mix it in with your hand.

My problems came when I got lazy and didn't check to make sure it was fine enough in a small amount of water. First I cleaned out the tub with a quick wipe just to get any left over dirt particles from her last bath and then I filled the bath and poured in the oatmeal. Of course it wasn't fine enough and settled down at the bottom like I was trying to actually make oatmeal.

I quickly got over that and my daughter was happily enjoying her bath. Then she tried to stand up (she often does this and then sets her bottom down to splash.) I dumbly didn't stop her the first few times she did it even though I should have been aware that the oatmeal was making the tub more slippery, Then she stood again, but this time she slipped and hit her chin and proceeded to bite her tongue. I'm pretty sure that at that moment I wanted to kick myself for allowing her to use the side of the tub for support standing.

She of course started crying and I grabbed her quickly, sad that she had hit her poor little chin. As I was holding her I realized that there was blood coming out of her mouth. I think I almost screamed. I can't believe my poor baby was bleeding. Seeing her bleed and hearing her cry was so traumatic to me. Luckily she calmed quickly and I was able to see that she had bit the tip of her tongue. While I don't want her to bit her tongue or bleed, I was happy to see that she hadn't knocked out one of her teeth or something.

So, even though I had felt like I was being a good mom earlier while I cut up her fruit for the week, made some baby pancakes, and cut up other food for her to eat over lunches, my day was effectively ended by feeling like a low life who let my baby slip in the tub. I know I'm not the first mom that happened to and I know I won't be the last, but today it did not matter. I hate seeing my baby bleed and cry. I know she loves me the same, but it still made for a rough day.

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